
The global healthcare market is expected to cross the $2 trillion mark in 2020. Healthcare will be among the top two priorities for any growing economy. Globally, 2020 will be a reality check for long-pending national healthcare policies and regulatory reforms that must re-invigorate future strategies.

Consumers are driving—and accelerating—the pace of change in health care. Their needs and goals are driving innovation in health-related products, services, and tools. Their preferences are driving the development of digitally enabled, on-demand, and seamlessly connected clinician-patient interactions. Their demands are driving the transition to patient-centric care delivery across geographies and socioeconomic groups.

The new vision for healthcare for 2020 and beyond will not just focus on access, quality, and affordability but also on predictive, preventive, and outcome-based care models promoting social and financial inclusion. Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) will emerge has a big theme across progressive health systems to proactively engage the right patients and improve health outcomes to help healthcare organizations meet quality standards.

At KPM ASSET we understand this unique situation in terms of current opportunity and future potential and have assiduously developed wide experience in this fast growing industry vertical that can be a significant differentiator in our client’s business strategy and value creation.